The management team at SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD is well known to Residents, relatives and staff and is easily contactable Inadequate The management team at SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD is well known to Residents, relatives and staff and is easily contactable Inadequate
Requires Improvement The management team at SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD is well known to Residents, relatives and staff and is easily contactable Requires Improvement
Good The management team at SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD is well known to Residents, relatives and staff and is easily contactable Good
Outstanding The management team at SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD is well known to Residents, relatives and staff and is easily contactable Outstanding
I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong Inadequate I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong Inadequate
Requires Improvement I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong Requires Improvement
Good I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong Good
Outstanding I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong Outstanding
Staff appear to be happy in their work Inadequate Staff appear to be happy in their work Inadequate
Requires Improvement Staff appear to be happy in their work Requires Improvement
Good Staff appear to be happy in their work Good
Outstanding Staff appear to be happy in their work Outstanding
I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different Inadequate I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different Inadequate
Requires Improvement I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different Requires Improvement
Good I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different Good
Outstanding I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different Outstanding
There appears to be good communication between management and staff Inadequate There appears to be good communication between management and staff Inadequate
Requires Improvement There appears to be good communication between management and staff Requires Improvement
Good There appears to be good communication between management and staff Good
Outstanding There appears to be good communication between management and staff Outstanding
The culture within SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD appears to encourage contributions from all involved Inadequate The culture within SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD appears to encourage contributions from all involved Inadequate
Requires Improvement The culture within SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD appears to encourage contributions from all involved Requires Improvement
Good The culture within SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD appears to encourage contributions from all involved Good
Outstanding The culture within SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICES LTD appears to encourage contributions from all involved Outstanding
There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all Inadequate There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all Inadequate
Requires Improvement There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all Requires Improvement
Good There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all Good
Outstanding There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all Outstanding