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Antisocial behaviour

We are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment for all our residents. Understanding, reporting, and tackling anti-social behaviour is essential in fostering a community where everyone can enjoy their home without disruption.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour includes various activities that harm or lack consideration for the well-being of others in the community. Examples of anti-social behaviour include:

  • Noise disturbances, such as loud music or parties at inappropriate times.
  • Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour towards residents, staff, neighbours or members of public.
  • Vandalism or damage to property.
  • Littering or dumping rubbish in communal areas.
  • Harassment or bullying, regardless of the method used.
  • Prostitution, sexual acts or kerb-crawling
  • Domestic abuse
  • Drug use, influence of substances

How to report anti-social behaviour

If you experience or witness anti-social behaviour, we urge you to report it immediately so we can take appropriate action. You can report ASB in the following ways:

  • Online Reporting Form: Accessible via our website, available 24/7.
  • Telephone: If the risk is immediate contact the police on 999.
  • Email:
  • In-Person: Most of our premises are staffed 24hrs. Ask to speak to member of our team on site for assistance.

Your report should include as much detail as possible, such as the time, date, and nature of the incident, and the identities of those involved if known.

Our response to anti-social behaviour

Upon receiving a report of anti-social behaviour, we follow a structured process:

  1. Initial Assessment: We assess the severity and impact of the reported behaviour.
  2. Investigation: We may gather evidence or speak to witnesses to understand the context and seriousness of the issue.
  3. Intervention: Depending on the case, interventions may include warnings, mediation between parties, or involving local authorities.
  4. Resolution: We aim to resolve issues effectively, with the goal of restoring peace and ensuring the well-being of the community.

Preventive Measures and Community Support

To prevent anti-social behaviour, we implement various initiatives:

  • Community Meetings: Regular meetings to discuss community issues and promote neighbourly respect.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Educational campaigns to highlight the impacts of ASB and promote positive behaviours.
  • Partnerships with Local Authorities: Working closely with local police and councils to address broader social issues effectively.

Resources and support

We offer support to both victims and perpetrators of anti-social behaviour:

  • Support Services: Access to counselling and mediation services.
  • Educational Resources: Information on understanding and reducing ASB.
  • Rehabilitative Programs: Programs designed to help habitual perpetrators change their behaviour.
  • Partnership working: We work closely with the Local Authority Safer-neighbourhood teams

Contact Us

For more information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can maintain the tranquillity and safety of our community at SLS.