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Engagement opportunities

Community Meetings

  • Description: Join monthly meetings to discuss community issues, upcoming projects, and improvements. This is your chance to voice your opinions and stay informed about the happenings in our complex.
  • How to Participate: Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month in the community hall at 19:00. You can also join via our online meeting platform. Links are sent out a week in advance.

2. Volunteer Programmes

  • Description: Get involved with Mental Aid, our community volunteer programmes focused on beautification projects, local outreach, and helping fellow residents in need.
  • How to Participate: Sign up at the management office or through our community app. Opportunities occur throughout the year, and all skill levels are welcome.

3. Community Garden

  • Description: Whether you have a green thumb or are a beginner, our community garden is a great place to grow vegetables, flowers, and friendships.
  • How to Participate: Register for your plot at the beginning of the season. We also hold monthly gardening workshops.

4. Workshops and Classes

  • Description: Expand your skills with our range of classes and workshops. From cooking classes to financial planning workshops, we have something for everyone.
  • How to Participate: Check the monthly schedule posted in the common areas and sign up online or at the management office.

5. Annual Community Fest

  • Description: Celebrate our community at the annual fest with food, games, and performances by local artists. It’s a fun day for the whole family!
  • How to Participate: Attend the fest, or better yet, volunteer to help organise or run activities. Contact the events coordinator to get involved.

6. Fitness Classes

  • Description: Join our weekly fitness classes to stay healthy and active. We offer yoga, pilates, and cardio classes.
  • How to Participate: Classes are free for all residents. Sign up through our community app to reserve your spot as spaces are limited.

7. Tenant Advisory Board

  • Description: Have a direct role in advising on community policies and initiatives. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our living environment.
  • How to Participate: Apply for a position on the board during our annual selection period. All tenants are welcome to apply.
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